Monday, February 21, 2011

A Resounding Shout-Out to Benefit Organizers/Donors!

This has been rolling around my li'l pea brain for a week now, has been a work in progress for several days, and I finally said, "That's it! I simply have to devote some space here and try to acknowledge all the people who worked so hard to make Bob's benefit such a wondrous event before my head implodes!" (And, this may be an exercise in futility, as each day, I learn of a new donor, a new person who helped out, hear a funny story . . . if I forget someone—please!—first of all forgive me, and second, somebody let me know so I can add an addendum to this. . .)

We are still in awe with everything that transpired, still enveloped in the love and will be for a long time to come. . .There are several people and businesses who worked sofa king hard together, behind the scenes, as well as front and center, to organize the event. They did such an amazing job and I know it wasn't easy, wasn't without stress and a few glitches along the way. They sacrificed an extraordinary amount of time, dinero and effort from their own busy lives to planning the event . . . and the donors. Holy WOW! I still can't believe all the (excuse me . . .) SHIT that was offered up! And I mean "shit" in the best way possible! Not only from individuals and businesses we know, but from complete and utter strangers—I'm so in awe, I still shake my head in disbelief . . .

But when February 13th arrived, the day fell together beautifully! To the casual observer, the day went off perfectly, without a hitch, which is testament to the knock-out job everyone did . . . from the venue, to the food, drink, silent auction, musical entertainment, door prizes, kid's room, face painting, Santa Claus, bake sale down to the bitter end—distributing the goods. . . orchestrating all that is enough to make my head spin! There is no particular order in which sponsors/donors are listed—just taken from my messy notes!

Benefit Organizers/Major Sponsors
Jill Hildebrandt
Gretchen Hildebrandt
Kathy Cullen
Penny and Jim Andrzejek
Nancy Wilkins
Lisa Holland
Julie Barnes
Jodi and Ian Kramer
Mike Wolowicz
Throwbacks Bar and Grill
Jim and Lynn Surdyk/Surdyk's Liquor and Cheese Shop
Jack Goldenberg and Rachel Goldenberg/Quality Wines and Spirits
Southern Wines and Spirits/JJ Taylor—beer
Joe McClay—wine
Elite Apparel—t-shirts
Staus Photography
Mes Amis le Spa
Uncle Chunk—music
Off The Record—music
5th Street Bridge—music
Ian Kramer—music
Brittany and Deb Moreno—face painting

Silent Auction Donors—Businesss/Organizations
Surdyk's Liquor and Cheese Shop
Quality Wines and Spirits
Mes Amis le Spa
Southern Wines and Spirits/JJ Taylor
Bob Dollarhide
First Grand Liquor
Thomas Liquors
Keegan's Iris Pub
National Cameral Exchange
Staus Photography
Custom Embellishments
Seoul Salon
Lisa Hurlen Photography
Embody Health
Ed Mays—Gem Den
Rolf Moe
Bill Abrahamson
Suzanne Bunkers
Obrigaderio Brazilian fudge
St. James Catholic Mission Sewers
Gina and Scott Olson—Olson Optical
1st National Bank of St. James
Doolittle's Woodfire Grill
S-Squared Treats
Thomasina Cashew Brittle
St. Croix Casino and Hotel
MN Landscape Arboretum
Stillwater Olive Oil Company
Mystic Lake Casino and Hotel
Crofut Winery
Snappy Dog Salsa
Bella Pamella
The St. Paul Hotel
Cannon River Winery
Valley Vineyards
Infinity Art Glass Studio and Gallery
Worker B
Old Log Theater
Grecco's on the St. Croix
Elite Apparel
Goose and Duck Smackers
United Brokerage, Diageo Brands
Green Mill Restaurants
Dunn Bros. Coffee
Punch Pizza
Bruegger's Bagels

Silent Auction Donors—Individuals
Penny and Jim Andrzjek
Santa Dan Lundeen
Pat Sjoquist
Larry and Karen Curry
Mary Lingert
Lisa Harrison
Clarence Smith and Denise Kettelberger
Mary and Leah Kemp
Jeanie Ferenze
Cyndi Raymond
Chad TenKley
Michael Callahan
Kristi Zellmann
Karen Mulder
Allison Stoner
Steve Recksiedler and family
Sonya Ludi
Kelsee Hayes
Bob and Jen Patrow
Mary Sterzinger
John Becker
Jim Andrzejek's poker club
Marlys and Norman Emerson
Margaret Maire
Cindy and Paul Torkelson
Sue and Bill Mohr
Marlin and Gladys Ziemer
Glen and Joanne Junker
Elaine Johnson family
Sherri Poulson
Dan and Therese Hall
Lois and LeRoy Bruns
Susie Carlson
Barb Boemer
Laurie Sieve
Schmidt family
Eileen Fredrich
Gretchen Hildebrandt
Lisa Bierker
Gil Staus
Jennine Duda
Bill Gropel
Dennis Lutzwick
Bob and Wendi Bodegheimer
Jane Gherke
Kurt, Teresa Hildebrandt and kids
Al and Jayne Verhelst-Arndt
Cami Becker
Andrea Noel

I know there were many gifted bakers contributing time and talent to the bake sale, but I have no idea whom or how many, so please accept my heart-felt apologies for not addressing you all by name! Rumor has it the bake sale items damn near vanished into thin air in no-time—if it weren't for my dear friend, Julie, snagging a plate of monster cookies for me, I would have missed out entirely! A huge shout-out to all the talented contributors to that part of the auction!

Again, if I missed anyone, it is not intentional and I apologize profusely . . . I wish I could thank each and every person who attended the event, as well as everyone who was with us in spirit, and for the donations to Bob's benefit account, as well . . . but there are only so many hours in the day and already, I'm writing well into the wee hours, trying to get this up before too much time has gone by . . . I hope each and everyone who has been following Bob's journey knows how deeply we feel your love, your support, your prayers, encouragement, all you send our way . . . as I've said before, even in the midst of shit, we are blessed. . .

xxoo to all! j


  1. I've never seen anyone make a list of angels before - So nice to see. Should've been a lead story on the evening news. People doing good, instead of all the doom and gloom the push out everyday.

  2. We were in the company of angels : ) both near and far that day!! And the looks on Bob and Jen's faces, far more than a Kodak moment.

  3. It was a pleasure to help out any way I could..Jeanie

  4. Love Corey's entry, and agree the news should focus on this kind of love, this kind of "sofa king joyous" moment in life!

    I LOVED being a part of the event, and am sofa king happy it was a non-snow day in Mn, and sofa king happy for the amazing turnout and display of love and support shown that day and always to Bob and you!

    Jilly, Jade, Amelia, and Otto(man)
