What is it with Bob's roommates at the U, who have this insuppressible need to let it all hang out, if you know what I mean? Good lord . . . when I went up to see Bob after work tonight, I was subjected to yet another traumatic image I won't forget for a long time, if ever . . . but, more on that later. Or not. . .
So, we got to the U in record time this morning. Bob had packed the night before, so he was ready to go at 7:30, but thanks to me and my onemorething-itis (a condition for which there is no cure . . .), we didn't get on the road till 7:45. With an 8:45 appointment, we thought for sure we'd be in the thick of morning rush hour, but as it turned out, we ended up 1/2 hour early! Looking back, I'm pretty sure it was due to my highly skilled, strategic driving method that I've perfected after weeks, no—months—of doing this drive. Thanks to my careful scrutiny and intense observations of traffic patterns, I've finally got I94 figured out. I know exactly which bottlenecks appear where, and know just what lane to be in at which time, for how long, till I need to dart over to another, faster lane, to keep the pace. I really should be an Indy 500 driver, I'm that amazing.
Bob needed a new PICC line inserted before being admitted, so first stop was the Gold Room clinic on first floor. I pointed out where admitting was (he was to head over there after the PICC, to admit himself before heading up to 7D) and stayed at the clinic with Bob long enough to get him checked in, waiting till his name was called (over half hour later, so much for being early), and then had to hustle off to work. I called later to see that he got over to the U hospital and admitted with no problems, and he was already in his bed, and had taken a few short catnaps. He hadn't slept well the night before (or the night before that, or before that . . . ), so hopefully, he'll be able to catch up on some sleep in the next few days.
At Bob's request, I stopped by Kowalksi's after work and picked up a couple trays of sushi for dinner. When I walked into the room (Bob got moved to a bed by a window, at his request), I noticed, out of the corner of my eye, the latest roommate sitting on a chair, evidently watching TV. No big deal. It was when I went back out of the room, to grab some napkins and eating utensils that I, to be polite, looked his way and was about to say, "Hi," when I caught sight of the Full Monty. I about tripped over my own bugged out eyeballs and quickly scurried past—I did not see that, I did not see that, I did not see that—retrieved the napkins and forks, and bolted past the roomie again, to the safety of Bob's curtained side of the room. I pantomimed to Bob what I'd just seen and he just shook his head. . .
Bob told me they had hooked him up to the IV right away when he got into his room, and has been just sitting around, waiting for his pH levels to get to where they need to be before the methotrexate is given. Usually takes several hours, and by the time we ate our sushi, filled each other in on our days, he still hadn't reached the level needed to get the drug. Bob got really tired after dinner, and laid back on the bed. As we talked, his words became slurred, heavy with sleep. I saw that he was talking with his eyes closed. I leaned over to kiss him goodnight. "I'm sorry, I just get tired very quickly . . . probably because I haven't slept well lately . . ."
It's okay, I said. You need your sleep, I'll see you again tomorrow. I kissed him again, gathered up our empty sushi trays and practically sprinted out the door, eyes to the ceiling as I passed Mr. Monty . . . I'm just warnin' ya, folks, in case you come up for a visit, that Bob is, once again, in an Underwear Optional room.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
I got a call from Bob this morning. He said he had a pretty good night's sleep, had a good breakfast and is planning to take a little walk around the floor, and then a nap. Penny and Jim will be up later this a.m., and will be staying the weekend. We got a call from Bob's sister, Nancy, earlier this week and are going to be blessed with the presence of her and her family this weekend, too! A wonderful surprise, but, it comes under bittersweet circumstances—they were making a trip down to Iowa, where Nancy's husband, Brian is from, because his father is in ill health and is in the hospital. I'm not clear of the circumstances or his condition, but it sounded urgent that the family come immediately. As such, they decided to make a detour up to MN, to see Bob. I
We'll have a full house this weekend, but it will be wonderful to see them! It's been so hard on Nancy and her family, being so far away (they live in Billings, MT), and not being able to be here as all of this has gone on with Bob. Bob and Nancy communicate regularly, probably several times a day, at least, either via phone calls, text messages, e-mails, but we didn't get together this year for Christmas (first time in all the years Bob and I have been together) so it's been way too long since we've seen the Wilkins clan—Nancy, Brian, Claire, Grace and their new pup, Casper, an adorable Springer Spaniel! Rocco will be soooooo excited!!! Not sure of their arrival, but will be sometime today (Saturday).
Oh, I should share the joke that goes along with the title of this entry: a man walks into a psychiatrist's office with nothing on but Saran Wrap, wrapped around his body. The psychiatrist takes one look at the man and says, "I can clearly see your nuts." An oldie, but a goodie!
Rocco is squeaking to go outside, so will close for now. Peace, love and walnuts to all!
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