Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cancer cuisine . . .

So, a big goal of ours here is to fatten up our li'l Bobby, so he's got more muscle, strength and yes, even more fat on his frame, to face the days ahead as a fighting machine. Feel kind of like Hansel and Gretel, plotting to escape the wicked witch . . . no, let's change that analogy to . . . ummmm . . . lessee here . . . OK! I got it! Rocky Balboa! Yeah, that's it! And, our underdog hero is getting ready to pound the crap out of Apollo Creed!!! No wait—not Apollo—he was cool, and he became Rocky's friend! Lessee . . . (run over to Google to brush up on the Rocky saga . . ) okay, I'm back! Our villain is Drago, the super-creepy evil Russian fighter who looks like a Rock'em Sock'em robot!!! GOOOOOO, Rocky-Bob-oa!!! (Crowd roars!!!!! ROCKY BOB-OA! ROCKY BOB-OA! ROCKY BOB-OA!!) . . . Yes, everyone. This is what my poor husband has to live with . . . every day. . . hours on end. As if cancer isn't enough. . .

So, it's a little disconcerting that my husband weighs as much as I do these days. Maybe even a few pounds less, thanks to the holidays, when I was engaging in a little stress eating . . . pretty sure Christmas cookies replaced all fruit and vegetables in my diet during the months of November and December. I'm a little worried that we're going to end up looking like one of those couples you see at the State Fair—tubby wife waddling hand-in-hand with scrawny hubby . . . she, with a death-grip on a deep-fried Snickers-on-a-Stick . . . could be worse things, I suppose. But, I digress. As usual.

This food thing is going to pose a challenge, as often, Bob's appetite isn't present and accounted for, so we need to come up with recipes and foods to entice it out of him. Before, he was one of those annoying SOB's with "a hollow leg;" he'd eat like a horse, didn't matter what the food, and still maintain a lean bod, to the envy of women (especially his wife) and men alike. Now, his appetite comes and goes. He gets hungry, but doesn't eat near the volume of food he used to pack away. Some of this might be medication-related, some is probably pain interfering with his appetite.

We know what kinds of foods he needs to eat, to load up on calories to gain weight (right now, cholesterol be damned; he's never had high cholesterol, so really, that has never been a big concern, just a minor one, since his heart attack), he chugs an Ensure at least once or twice a day, but getting those rich, high-calorie foods in him is the challenge. He's never been much of a junk-food, processed food kind of guy. Except for the occasional Ho-Ho's, or bag of jalapeno cheddar Cheetos, he's the poster-child for the Atkin's diet. Meat, meat, meat. Cheese, cheese, cheese. Bacon, bacon, bacon. A few fruits and veggies for color, a few potatoes or rice here and there, to stick it all together, but all in all, a serious carnivore. And now even those foods are tough to get in him these days. We had a nice conversation this morning, about amping up his food/calorie intake; he knows he has to do it. It's just finding a way that works, that's going to take some work. Our plan right now is smaller meals, many smaller, calorie-dense meals, throughout the day. And if that plan doesn't work, we try something else.

Alas, if only he had his wife's sweet tooth. I'm a living testament to power of refined sugar products and their almost over-night ability to make jeans fit just a tad snug. I like to tell myself it's an ancient survival mechanism kicking in, helping me get through this particularly barbaric winter, but in the wee hours of the night, when it's just me and my conscious in the darkness, I know it's the Christmas cookies. Oh, yeah. And my lack of willpower.

So, this a.m., I made a fontina cheese and shrimp scramble for breakfast. A shout-out goes to Cousin Erin for that idea! I was at my sister, Jill's, surprise 40th b-day party last night—which was a surprise, btw! Way to go, Jade!—and I think all guests went home with leftover shrimp as a parting gift. And we thought we were going to run out of food . . . anyhoo, Erin had suggested the shrimp and cheese omelet idea, and I ran with it this a.m. I added fresh spinach to mine, to begin the re-introduction of produce into my diet. Could have used a Christmas spritz on top . . . Bob devoured his eggs and shrimp—yea! He's not too fond of spinach these days, as it just doesn't sit well with him (good lord, sound like an old lady there . . . I'm sure more body function chit-chat will arise as we go along. . . get used to it, huh?), but he really dug the egg-shrimp-cheese combo and almost licked his plate clean. Sorry doggies!

This afternoon, I'm going to try a new recipe Bob got from his mom—something with hamburger, Stove Top stuffing, green beans, cream of 'shroom soup, cheese maybe?—a take on a classic "hot dish," good ol' fashioned comfort food, soul food, stick-to-your-ribs kind of grub. Maybe some ice cream for desert (him, not me).

So, that's that. Our little baby step for the day. Get more food into Bob. If anyone has any ideas/recipes for some good, high-calorie, tasty grub, please toss 'em our way! As I said, he's not big on sweets, so maybe more meat, cheese, potatoes, bread kind of stuff. But, see, what'll happen, is, he'll say something like, "Oh, why did you say no sweets? I'm really craving brownies! I'd just love a big ol, crusty brownie right now . . ." so, then I'll make a big ol' pan of brownies, and he'll have one. JUST one. And leave the rest to torment me.

(All of this may sound irreverent, inane blabbering, but see, last night, in the wee hours when I couldn't sleep, I was lying on the couch, in the dark, and started a blog that went on and on about the sheer and utter unfairness of this whole situation, and how I'm ridiculously under-qualified to help my husband, and why would God possibly have a hand in dumping this much adversity—serious adversity—three times on a person as good as Bob, and how hypocritical would it be to start begging and bartering to God to spare my husband from any more anguish in life, to put a little on me, to lighten his load . . . and as I'm becoming more and more confused and frustrated and down-right pissed off, I get an e-mail from Bob's sister, Nancy, with the subject, "Sofa king slow." When I opened it, I read her short message:

OMG I am sitting here, can't sleep... and it FINALLY HITS ME! I'm not sure who the genius wordsmith is (Ok, I know it's you, Jen), but that is marvelous! Sofa king... so fucking... amazing
yes, I'm sofa king slow
and life is sofa king unfair
and now... finally... in the middle of the night- I get it.
Smilin' through my tears!

It is the funniest thing, and it's all I can do to contain my laughter because I didn't want to wake Bob. Shortly after, he shuffled out of the bedroom and said, "My sister is sofa king slow . . ."He was awake, and had just gotten Nancy's message, too. (I e-mailed her back to let her know I can't take credit for Sofa King—was an old SNL skit). The three of us, all awake, all connected, all kind of zoning in on each other's vibes. It's that kind of stuff that moves me. That kind of stuff that makes me feel so connected, so entwined with so many people, and their many thoughts, prayers, acts of kindness, however they may come, even with a seemingly innocuous e-mail . . .

Right now, there's no place for me to sit and philosophize, analyze, question, rant or rave about what's going on. It's wasted energy, and there's a time and place for all that, at some point, but not now. Right now, I can't formulate a prayer. I'm having a hard time talking to God. Not mad at God, just don't have anything to say in the face of this huge thing. Leaves me speechless in that arena. Right now, I need these other connections, real-live connections, with real-live friends, family, even people we barely know, to buoy us, to keep us afloat. A big piece of this is laughter. Humor. It may not be religion, but maybe . . . maybe it's how God, or whatever higher power is in charge (kind a feels like none, right now), feels is going to work best for us. Amen.)


  1. I'm coming to your house to eat!!!
    Great blog as always Jen. I too was awake last night, about 3:45 though, thinking of you both and what phenomenal people you are and what an amazing realationship you have and I/we are part of that..... Everyone Sofa King....

    A good lasagna...a big one and freeze some!!! Go to The Nook and bring him a Juicey Nookie or a Paul Molitor if he wants spicier, with fries and onion rings
    And if cholesterol be damned then here is a good Alfredo recipe
    1/3 stick of butter
    1cup whipping cream
    salt, pepper, oregano, garlic to taste
    1/2 cup of grated romano
    1/2 cup of grated mozzerella cheese
    Heat on low until cheese are melted, stirring constantly to keep smooth - use a wire whisk
    Toss with pasta and shrimp or chicken

    I'll send you my chicken gnocci on FB

    BTW Jen - Pilsbury has these little brownie minis, come with their own little pans.... mix up a batch and you won't feel guilty :-)

    We'll take care of the praying, you use your energies elsewhere and happy eating!!!

  2. oops. Just realized I should have "bleeped" out the f-bomb in there. Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!

  3. "and how I'm ridiculously under-qualified to help my husband"...Jen I dont know know you much at all, but from reading this, and 'seeing' your strength you might not even know you have, I would pick u in a heart beat to be in my corner if I needed someone qualified to "go to the matresses"( from the some pervy girl/girl comment sorry BILL!! lol )Im sure you dont feel strong but you amaze me and probably everyone who reads this. Hugs. ...Shari

  4. Jen
    Tell Bob to watch the food network. After watching couple of those shows I get hungry even after eating a pretty good meal. At least you might get some recipe ideas. My favorite show is Diners, Driveins, and Dives. Lots of fattening food on that one. (Just take a look at me.)
    talk to later

  5. Didn't the other Rocky do raw eggs? Gross, I think. Rocky Bob-boa could load up on whole wheat pasta, grains, and breads with healthy red sauces. Calories, but still "healthy".

    Sofa king funny about Nancy! :) I probably got it right away because I swear sofa king much like a sailor.

    Love to you both, Nenni, and thank you to the moon for the lovely birthday party, food, and helping Jade pull off the surprise. Was so nice for you to come over, even during this difficult time. Hope you enjoyed the photo with message of love, Bob. Least we could do...we would have rather have had you there.


  6. Hey guys- I am laughing about it all over again as I read the blog. And it's not like it was ever a secret, but in a way it's a relief to have it out there and let every body know that I am sofa king slow! Hang in there both of you. Maybe a big pot of knuble soup would hit the spot!

  7. Hey Jen,
    How about some yummy dips? I do have the artichoke(nice veggies) dip that is ALL CHEESE!!! Bob can slather that on some bread/crackers.... I've got other ideas too... We'll talk..
    Love you guys,

  8. Hey. I'm still here...but was messing around with blogger and google...and somehow got my blogger account name linked with your blog...katreena7...not kcullen7. Couldn't figure out how to change it hour later. However, I did finally got rid of the half picture of me I had posted with it. Yes, Bob...the boring life of the blogger challenged....Let me just add an idea of a recipe...scardalia (sp??)'s Greek to me appetizer...mashed potatoes/olive oil/garlic with pita bread. Simple. But Yum.
