Friday, January 15, 2010

First thoughts on first days of chemo . . . (from Bob!)

Well, 2 days of chemo, and I feel good - AS OF RIGHT NOW! Our wonderful nurse told me that day 3 and 4 may be the roughest for me, although she was encouraged that last night (after first infusion) didn't give me any complications of nauseau, etc. OK, my taste buds were off, so I didn't run for Mom's beef stew last night and instead had a hankerin' for a Banquet Chicken TV Dinner, but I honestly felt just great. Even got some sleep last night before I woke up and found my dad wondering around our basement at 4 a.m., trying to find the remote. We talked health, golf, the dogs, what the day would bring, etc.

I knew I was up for the day; wasn't sure about Dad. Jen was the driver this morning and Mom and Dad would come later, at 10—11a.m. for the pick-up. [As an aside, I can not drive right now for a number of reasons: my license has expired, I can not yet fully sit without terrible pain (as we've been relating ad nauseaum, but it's one of the toughest things I'm dealing with right now) and I'm on narcotics, which is just like a DUI.]

All went well at treatment this morning as stated, as did yesterday. It is somewhat comforting and relaxing in my own special treatment room—we found out yesterday that my nurse is the niece of dear friends of my parents, and BOOM!, we're in the VIP room! Take it when you can get it, I guess. I'm sure the rest of the treatment would have been the same, but the room was nice!

I am at home now trying to relax. Sent the parents in to town for narcotics and food - provisions for the weekend - and they just got home in short time. I laugh, because that same trip would take 4 hours for Jen to complete. Mom has promised to make special chicken soup tonight, aka Polish penicillin. YUMMY!

For some reason, I just can't sleep right now. Hope to fall off for a bit soon here. Never realized how important sleep was until recently. Scheduled for a shot Saturday afternoon at the U to help my white blood count. They said I could take a syringe home and do it myself, and insurance would charge me $625.00 or come to the U and it costs me nothing. HMMMMmmmmm . . . you do the math . . .

We'll let you know how things are going in a few days, unless Jen wants to write earlier.
Thanks for all your thoughts and encouragement. Please keep in touch!



  1. We love you and Nenni (and your parents) so much, Bubo, and are thinking of you always. I must let you know, Bob, that a student of mine, who disclosed to just me that she's being tested for Hodgkin's on Tuesday and then I disclosed about you, told her mother of your situation. And, her mother, who works at St. Croix Catholic Church, I believe, told the nuns, and well, they wanted your first name to begin a prayer circle for you. And, my colleauge, whose son had Hodgkin's in '91 and I talked of your situation (she's right next door to my office), and she took down your first name, too, for her prayer group at her church in Stillwater. So, lots of prayers going out to you, Bob, and all unsolicited. They both just said, "Can I get your brother-in-law's name, please," and then told me why. I was touched, and hope you are too. I think it's quite amazing that complete strangers would do this! I guess it's what life's all about--helping others when we can.

    We love you to the moon, and send our best to you and Jenni (and your parents) each and every day.

    xoxoxo Jill, Jade, and Amelia

  2. Your mom and dad....chicken soup...the nuns and other prayer circles? Reinforcements are out in full force!!

  3. Bob,
    Two of my friends have added you to their prayer chains too! Plus, Emma prays every night for you! She's got a direct line, so I'm thinking you're all good.
    I hope you are continuing to feel well today!

  4. Bob and fam,

    It has taken several days and okay even weeks for me to grasp all of this so I can't imagine how you are dealing with all of the info that is being pour on to you and that you are googling on the web. I had a thought though the other day...ask the doc if they could take a dose of the piss and vinegar from jen to kill of this damn cancer in you Bob! I love you guys. When this is all done write a book to pay for your medical costs and retire!

    We are feverishly praying for you all. My prayer is for rest. I know from my psychology and med classes in nursing school that the mind is a powerful weapon...too bad it is backfiring on you right now. I hate when you can't turn it off and the narcotics play games with it and then when the cocktail of meds that had been working don't anymore it is soooo frustrating. I pray for the pain to be taken from your body and your mind to rest so you can devote your thoughts to healing in a positive way.

    The offer is still there for my Bob and I to help you out with tasks around the house, or if you ever need a ride to chemo on a Wednesday I am here for ya! We can take the family truckster and you can relax in the back and I'd be happy to put a movie in the dvd player for ya! Let me know!

    By the way Jen, I will be in soon for a hair cut I promise!


    Bob, Kathy, Kasey, Robyn, Noah, David and Coconut Tousignant

  5. Bob and Jen,
    Glad to hear that everything went so well. and to get the V.I.P. room to boot!
    Continued healing energy sent your way.
