Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Oooops . . .

We thought Bob had an appointment with Doc S today, so we saddled up the Forester and moseyed into town, only to find that his appointment is actually tomorrow. So, for those of you who were wondering how today's appointment went, stay tuned till tomorrow, 'cause we got it wrong. Actually, just for the record (and because I rarely get to utter the following words): Bob had it wrong—he wrote the wrong date on our "main" calendar at home. I actually had the right date written down in my appointment calendar, but haven't bothered to look at it since I wrote it there three weeks ago . . . till today, as we're standing in front of the receptionist, looking like dorks . . . Really? You're sure it's tomorrow?!? . . . awkward. Doc S was too booked up to squeeze us in, so we had no choice but to turn around and head back home.

Not a huge deal to me, but Bob isn't used to making errors in details like that, and was pretty upset with himself for writing down the incorrect day. An easy mistake to make with all the appointments we were trying to make that day, having to work around my work schedule, Doc's schedule, and all. It's amazing we haven't screwed more than just this one up, with all the trips to and from the U we've made already. "Welcome to my world," I told him as we were driving back home. "That kind of thing is a daily occurrence for me, hon—do it enough times, and it won't bother you so much, trust me." He didn't seem consoled by my words. Wonder why . . .

So, we have to wait a day to find out for sure when Bob goes back in for his (hopefully) final round of chemo. I think perhaps the main reason Bob was so upset with himself for the error is that he's getting anxious with the whole thing. Ready for something to happen, something solid to grab onto . . . trade the waiting game for something tangible—like getting closer to having his life back . . .we're crossing our fingers that he'll be admitted right away this week, get this final round of chemo rolling, then on to surgery.

Oh, and by the way, Bob wanted me to let y'all know that, since he now knows what to expect during his stay at Club Chemo (a whole lotta peeing and obnoxious roommates . . . ), he's really feeling he'll be up for visitors this time. We'll let you know on the blog when he'll be going in, so you can "save the date." Stay tuned! And, if we haven't said it enough already (and I know there can never be enough times), we love you all, appreciate everything everyone has done for us, continues to do for us, and that you all are in our thoughts and prayers as you keep us in yours . . . LOVE!

Jen & Bob


  1. Thinking of you today, Bubo! Let us know if you're admitted to Club Chemo (or, Jen, let us know, too), and if/when up for visitors! We'd love to see you there, and I promise I won't talk about testicles hanging in the water, etc (not that I have any to talk about, but, you get my drift...??? I think?). :)

    Love you both to the moon and back--love, strength, and prayers your way.

    xoxoxo Jill, Jade, and Amelia

  2. Bill and I will be in the cities next wednesday and would love to come visit wherever!! Bill is VERY excited!!
