Thursday, January 7, 2010

Random thoughts on peace, love and boogers . . .

Right now, at this moment in time, I'm filled with an immense sense of peace. Both Bob and I have been receiving the best messages from friends and family over the past several days, weeks . . . from near and far, via e-mail, cards, phone calls, texts, on the blog . . . even on the god-forsaken wasteland of Facebook, incredible messages coming from the most unexpected sources. . . Just wanted to let everyone know, we're feelin' the love . . . even in the midst of a wave of pain, when Bob is overcome and I sit helpless, we're feelin' it . . . even when we have a frustrating appointment that doesn't give us any more answers or information, we're feelin' it. . . .even when he does get a a good meal in the belly and a good night's sleep, we're feelin' it . . . sofa king awesome . . .

Tonight's blog might just be a random collection of thoughts . . . scratch "tonight's blog." Now it's "today's blog," as I just couldn't keep my eyes open last night to finish this last night. . . he had a tough night last night; was up a lot. I heard and saw him get up at least a few times during the course of the evening, Never know when things'll just work and when they won't for him. Night before, he had a pretty good night, he said, ate a good meal, got good sleep (relatively speaking, in his world. He has not had a solid night's sleep in over 2 months. His sleep comes in bits and pieces. A good night is longer bits and pieces punctuated by fewer episodes of pain or sleeplessness. Bad night is more sleeplessness and pain than bits and pieces.).

One night, this past week, when I got home from work, I changed into my jammies and lay in bed near Bob, just to talk. As we were talking, I could feel myself getting more and more tired, till finally I closed my eyes. My words must have been fewer, maybe a little garbled, because I heard Bob's voice softly say, "You're falling asleep, aren't you?" I quickly pulled myself awake, denying it. I do this during movies, too. "No I'm not! I'm just resting my eyes!" But he said, "I can tell. You're tired, go to bed." Then he said, "I'm so jealous of that. I wish so badly I could just slip off to sleep like that, at the end of the day. I don't even know how I fall asleep. . . it's certainly not that peaceful, slipping away, like you were doing . . ." I can't stop thinking about that; the simple act of falling asleep is something Bob hasn't been able to do for over two months. Since then, I constantly think about all the things that I do, that he hasn't been able to do. Sit in a chair. Drive a car. Work. Sit at the dining room table and slowly eat a meal—truly enjoying it. Cook (something other than a can of soup). Go out to dinner or meet a friend for a beer. Take a hike in the woods. Go to Target or grocery shop. Walk the dogs. Snow-blow. . .

Speaking of snow-blowing, I had my personal best time with the snowblower yesterday. 22 minutes to clear the driveway. All in 6th gear. Even with the wind blowing the snow in my face, like walking through a blizzard. Damn, I'm good. 'Course, now this morning, enough snow has blown over the driveway that it needs to be cleared again, but not enough to fire up Big Bertha. Grrr!!!

And, you find the humor where you can these days. I got a text from Bob not long ago, "Rocco just ate the biggest booger ever!" Dear god. "Thanks for sharing that nice li'l tidbit. . . do I want to know how you discover that?" was my reply. "Couldn't reach Kleenex box. Rocco was closer." Bob is nothing, if not resourceful. Said it once, I'll say it again: if we had been members of the Donner party, Bob would have been a survivor. I would have been eaten.

Anyhow, I guess when I started this post (before I got sidetracked), I really just wanted to let everyone know that if we can't respond to e-mails, phone messages or posts you leave on the blog, we do read each and every one of them, and truly feel the love and support, and encouragement you all are sending out. Pretty powerful stuff, like being enveloped by a thick, fuzzy robe, right out of the dryer. I know Bob is amazed, astounded, even, in his "strong and silent" way. He's a humble guy, and doesn't go out of his way to put himself "out there," so seeing/feeling/hearing this outpouring of good stuff from y'all is pretty overwhelming (in a FABULOUS way) for him. Keep it comin'! And, back at ya.


  1. Luv you guys. Thank you for the's like a lifeline to the two of you. Prayers prayers prayers... and to insulate the process, I'm instigating my voodoo, extended catholic, irish, witch, universal ritual right now to god and whoever else is out there who could make things happen for answers and plans to appear. It's a little tricky, as I still don't have it down when I should be blessing myself with holy water and falling down on my knees or stirring the pot of frog legs and herbs or sticking needles into things....but by the end of the day, I'll have it down. : ) Mom/Kathy

  2. Oh, Jenni, could have done without the booger reference as now that's stuck in my mind...maybe put that into your pot of frog legs, vodoo mama! :) Just kidding, Nenni. It was gross and funny in the same vein. We love you guys to the moon and call us if you need anything at all. I don't know if I can manage Big Birtha as we have Bitty Betty (Jade thinks it's 1/2 Bunny Power; it's really little), but I'll learn for you two, if needed. And, as I said, I can lift 50lb. bags of salt, even if my strength endurance test was just average yesterday at my "complimentary" fitness assessment. I'll show them, damnit.

    We pray for you each day, and ms. Amelia reminds me if she thinks I forgot (which I don't forget, but she's usually not listening to me when I say prayers and then she'll say 15 minutes later, "Mom, we never said our prayers for Bob."). So, we say prayers twice usually for you, which isn't a bad thing.

    In our thoughts always...
    xoxoxo Jill, Jade, and Amelia

  3. Thanks for letting me read this. I learned so much! And I am amazed at what you have been through. This will need to be published some day.........I'm telling you. Just live moment by moment, for now it is all you can do. Best wishes and prayers for you both.
    Kari J.

  4. Me, too, could have done without the booger reference....just as when I saw Amelia's picture on FACEBOOK with the Farter pills.....such class!! But really, does it matter, class or not. Not much. Your writing...Bob's writing...that you get thru this...that family and friends are there....most important....but I still can't the thought of Gaia slurping up a ....never mind.

  5. Just love your blog Bob and Jen:) You 2 never cease to amaze me! Your go with the flow attitude and ever so patient status...just blows my mind...Our thoughts are with you daily and pray for some good news. You both hang in there and keep up the positive outlook!
    Love ya Cousins!
