Saturday, February 13, 2010

Caption Contest!

First things first: I just got off the phone with Bob and he told me there's a slight chance that he may be discharged tomorrow. (Yea!!! I'm crossing my fingers and toes and anything else that I can manage to cross!) His preliminary blood work looks really good, but he's getting a blood transfusion today, as the chemo interferes with bone marrow production, which is where hemoglobin (oxygen component of blood) is produced. The infusion will increase his hemoglobin, while his marrow production gets rolling again. They'll do more tests tomorrow and know how everything looks for sure, and of course, they won't let him go home until everything is right as it should be again. But I just wanted to get the word out, in case anyone is thinking to stop by for a visit. Text or call Bob before you do, so you don't arrive to an empty room!

On to the next exciting item! We've decided we'd like a little more interaction with our viewing audience (because there's only so much sitting around in a hospital room one can do before one starts doing things like taking pictures of the patient in compromising situations . . .). As such, we're going to have a Caption Contest! I've posted a picture of Bob below, and we're looking for a great caption that best fits the scenario. The picture is just too awesome to keep to ourselves and is begging for a title, a slogan, something that best captures the spirit of what Bob is expressing here. (I already came up with a few, but will refrain, in the spirit of fairness, and because you all are already subjected to enough of my crap!) We're not sure yet what the prizes for the winners are (maybe some hospital souvenirs, maybe a date with Bob, maybe a great big bucket of nothing!!!), so don't try too hard! Bob could use a few laughs, so have fun and make him proud!

Good luck to everyone! Put your thinking caps on, and may the best caption win!


  1. "and to think I've been using the empty Dr. Pepper bottles this whole time."

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Cheers from Club Chemo Incontinental--relieve your worries to us!"

  4. amelia likes your picturefc hxhxhjxoxo

  5. Fuzzy, you're missing a hell of a party.

  6. "It was half full! I told grumpy guy it was apple juice!"

  7. OMG!!!! You all are making me need to pee in one of those things!!! LOVE 'em!!!

  8. "What? Yeah, I said pee like a race horse! You've never seen a Shetland race?"

  9. Ahhh..... A fine Sauvignon Bob. Pairs nicely with anything! Has a beautiful bouquet, slight tannins, and at times can glow in the dark with it's lovely hints of methotrexate.......

  10. Just like a TV remote and a garage door opener, I never thought something like this could be so HANDY! but now I don't know how I'll ever live without it!

  11. "Ok, Its not Two hearted ale but I need something to look forward to."

  12. "Look, first batch of Sofa King home brew is ready!"

  13. URINATE NOW it works so good it sells itself

  14. Next road trip, we won't have to stop the car.

  15. What would Nikki Sixx do with this?

  16. OK, this has been eating at me- what the heck did Jill remove up above? Can't imagine something so offensive that it had to be taken off!

    My 2nd caption attempt, "It's Magically Delicious!"

  17. Hi Nancy,
    The delete message actually was almost what I had posted after that, but I messed up, and couldn't figure out how to edit once posted, and then decided to just delete the original posting and re-post. However, it keeps up the "posting has been removed" message. :) I wish I had a really good story behind the removal of my comment, but nothing more than I'm just sofa king stupid when it comes to figuring out how to edit what I had that I went the round about way. :)

    Like the "magically delicious" posting!

    We send love and strength to your family, your mom and dad, too, during this difficult time.


  18. Me feeble Top 10 Caption list:

    10. Bobby's Backwash
    9. ICU P
    8. Is there enough to write my name?
    7. Getting a 'handle' on my bladder control
    6. Minnesota Jellyfish Bite Kit
    5. OK, I've got this, now where's the vinegar?
    4. Oh-h-h-h-h, you said p*ss OFF.
    3. I appear to be a quart low!
    2. Cath & Carry
    And 1. (drumroll...) Urinate?! Heck, if you had jugs like this you'd be a 10!

    Sorry if I offended anyone.

  19. more:

    * Mountain U or Diet Mountain U

  20. Oxi clean can fix anything!!!....Shari
